<Majoring in Men Curriculum
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Click Here to find current Men of Integrity  
events that are coming your way.  This calendar can keep you apprised of many events that can help build relationships, get you plugged into ministry, or allow you to minister as a the man of God you are.


  • Monthly men's event is the first Tuesday of each month. See the Home page for the current scheduled event.
  • Monthly MOI Board meeting is the fourth Thursday of each month at:

    Denny's Restaurant
    Loop 410 at Blanco Rd in the private room.
    Local Pastors & Men Ministry Leaders are welcome

For information call: JOHN PEREZ 210-637-1119 OR 210-865-1790 OR EMAIL at JOHNPEREZ777@SBCGLOBAL.NET


:::::: Contact Info :::::

Ruben Trevino




? Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. Kramis and Associates. Contact: Keith@kramis.com

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